So, I have a few questions, What do I do next?
First of all, have a look through the FAQ section. There is a list of genuine FAQ’s on there that people have actually asked. You should find it very useful.
Next, if you would like to speak to someone, please call 1300 667 239 and we can get the ball rolling for you.
If you don’t have time for a phone call, simply fill in the few basic questions and send us an enquiry.
We will get back to you promptly and get things moving at your preferred pace.
You’ve sent the email, called our office then what?
We will be working on a solution for you. One of our senior Mortgage Consultants will be researching your information and comparing it with our selection of specialist lenders to make sure we get just the right fir for your personal circumstances.
One size DOES NOT fit all with this type of loan.
Once we have found the right lender to suit your personal circumstances, we will give you a call and let you know of your options.
We can then explain any fees, charges and requirements of that lender.
If you are happy to proceed, we will assist you in filling in all of the paperwork for you while you are on the telephone and send it out to you all ready for you to check.
Once you have confirmed that we have not made any errors and that the information is correct, place the authorised paperwork and a copy of your ID in the supplied reply paid envelope and send it back.
We can chase all other paperwork up for you. This will save you lots of head aches and we can get it done so much faster for you.
Once all of the paperwork is back to us, we will get you the conditional approval.
We will order the valuation and within a day or two, the valuer will have called you to confirm a time that suits you to pop out and have a look over your home.
It is always best to try and make your home as presentable as possible, by picking up the kids toys and making sure the lawn is mowed etc. and generally just looking neat and tidy.
We will usually get a copy of the valuation report within 3 or 4 days of the valuer visiting your home.
The loan will then be finally assessed for formal approval and the mortgage documents will usually be prepared within 2 days or so.
The Mortgage documents will be express posted to you (or your solicitor) and need to be checked through and authorised.
Post the documents back to the address provided and the loan will be booked for settlement a few days after the lender received the signed mortgage documents back from you.
Then your loan will settle and you will receive available funds within 24 hours of the settlement.
This whole process takes about 30 days or so and can even be quicker if you want. Though if you do want it to be quicker, it may involve your help in some areas…
If you have any questions, please call 1300 667 239 and we will be happy to help.
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